Hedgehog Knits

Adventures in knitting from the eastern edge of Canada.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So everyone else has got one, why not me? I've been reading knitting blogs for quite some time now, and love following the progress of people's projects. I decided that it was high time I got my own space to share photos and stories about knitting, and life in general. When I found that my friend Glenna had started a knitting blog, that was the tipping point. I wanted to share what I was up to too.

But why hedgehog, you ask? I have have a long history with pet hedgehogs. The latest, Molly, has been with us for almost three years now, and is cute beyond belief. She wanted to be the star of this show, and since hedgies are hard to knit for - if she gets anywhere near fibre of any kind, it pills up and embeds itself in her spines, poor thing - I thought this was a way to make her feel included. She's got attitude, and will make a perfect mascot.


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