Hedgehog Knits

Adventures in knitting from the eastern edge of Canada.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Still here, still knitting

Wow, I've become a very bad blogger. It seems that over the past year Ravelry and Facebook have been meeting my needs for documenting my knitting projects and staying in touch with friends, and as a result, I just haven't had lot to say on here. I have been considering shutting down altogether, but I thought that I would keep the blog for sporadic updates when the mood strikes me. Who knows, I may even get around to writing up the patterns that have been languishing in my notebooks one of these days and post them here.

Life has been very busy these past few months. Paid work and volunteer work have been keeping me running around quite a bit, and I've been trying to keep as active as possible, though the snowstorm that we're experiencing today probably marks the end of the outdoor running season and the start of regular gym going instead. This time of year when the days are so short and it's dark so much, I find myself going in to hibernation mode, sleeping as much as possible, and curling up knitting at home in the evenings.

In the meantime, if you're a knitter who would like to keep in touch and you haven't found me on Ravelry yet, please add me as a friend and say hi. I'm "kbh" in the Ravelry world.



Blogger Marianne said...

Had no doubts you were still here and still knitting :^) and I understand. That said, it's always nice when you post.
Those bitty sweaters are little Beauties (from your previous post) and hey, congrats on winning that gorgeous Manos off Sarah's blogiversary contest! :^D

5:05 p.m.  

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