Hedgehog Knits

Adventures in knitting from the eastern edge of Canada.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm back!

Hmmm, I wonder if anyone is still dropping by here.....

I have finally crawled out from under many, many piles of boxes, and I'm happy to report that the unpacking and settling in have progressed to a level wherein we now have an assembled computer AND internet. High speed no less. Sigh. It is truly home now.

If I could find my camera, I would give you a tour of the house, or show you the meagre progress on my knitting, or even show you the photo I took of the box containing the twenty pounds of paper that constitutes the examination copies of my Ph.D. thesis. That's right - it's official. It's been submitted, and I'll be journeying back to Ottawa for my torture session thesis defense on December 11. But since my camera is still lost in a labyrinth of boxes (somewhere on the third floor, I'm told), you'll have to be satisfied with this stock footage of the new house:

For those who aren't familiar, much of the St. John's downtown consists of similar 100-year-old brightly painted wooden row houses on hilly little narrow streets. Nobody has ever accused the place of lacking character! We got lucky with this house in that we're only attached on the back, and we have that little garage with the deck over it. So far, I'm loving the neighbourhood, and the ten-minute walk to work. Even better is the two-minute stumble down the hill to Tim Horton's. We have so many plans... painting the outside and the inside, installing a real garage door, setting up my little craft studio.... but in the meantime, I'll be really happy when the new couch arrives tomorrow and I have somewhere comfy to sit and knit!

That's it for now - just a teaser, I know. But I'm back now for real, and you can count on hearing a lot more from me in future. I have really appreciated having other blogs to read in my rare free moments these past few months. I've been trying to keep up on the news, even if I haven't been much for commenting lately. And thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement, and for sharing my excitement through all the many changes lately. It certainly has been quite a year!



Blogger Glenna C said...

I am super jealous of a) your finished thesis and b) your cute cute house. Whimper whimper, I want to visit!

8:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Kelly you are living in a St. John's postcard! With the colourful siding and everything! And I even remember where that Tim Horton's is you are talking about! So cool. Can't wait to some day come visit you guys again in person there.

Ha, I am indeed looking for fluff in more ways than one but I was one step ahead on Whistler and just downloaded a pile of episodes. Maybe that makes me a little more desperate, I dunno. ;)

Congrats on the thesis and best of luck for the defense.

11:31 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh St. John's.....what a great city.

Good luck on your defense... how many days will you be in Ottawa? fancy a knitting trip somewhere for some "celebratory" fibre?????

5:49 a.m.  
Blogger Marianne said...

YAY! You're back! and with a new home to show (I LOVE it and can't wait to see more of it) and a finished thesis!

I hear you on the unpacked boxes, lately I just 'avert my eyes' and keep on going...

7:49 a.m.  
Blogger Leanne said...

Nancy read my mind. I too was thinking that a little celebratory fibre is in order when you're back in Ottawa. Or, at the very least, an evening of knitting and catching up.

Congrats on getting the thesis finished. And the house looks lovely!

8:51 a.m.  
Blogger knittyknatty said...

What a gorgeous house!

1:04 p.m.  
Blogger Robin said...

What a great home you have! Good luck on the defense!

5:02 p.m.  
Blogger Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

It looks like a scene out of Codco....I really miss that show!!!!

8:38 a.m.  
Blogger Sarah said...

Nice to have you back :)

2:57 p.m.  

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