Hedgehog Knits

Adventures in knitting from the eastern edge of Canada.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Lola progress

I've been working away on Lola in little spurts over the past week, with the song by the same name stuck irreplaceably in my head (Lo Lo Lo La Lo-La...). Tonight I managed to leave the office at a decent hour for a change, and put in a few solid hours to finish the front. What I decided on, after considering a few options (thanks for your ideas!), was to keep it as a pullover, but change the neckline slightly to add a keyhole where I can place buttons. To me, this makes it feel like a slightly warmer-weather sweater. The colours are not as bright as they appear in the following photos - flash wash-out.

I grafted the shoulders and safety-pinned the sides together to try it on, and wonder of wonders, it fits! I have slightly more than one 100 g ball for the sleeves, so I think I'm going to try to divide this into two equal balls by weight, and then knit the sleeves as long as I can get them. In order to do this, I guess I have to figure out how to change the pattern to knit the sleeves top-down, right? Perhaps that's a job for tomorrow night.

Right now, I'm fussing over the neckline. This is attempt #1, following the pattern instructions for a crocheted edging:

Ugh. It won't sit flat, and looks really silly on me. And no amount of blocking will fix it (remember, it's acrylic). So I'll be ripping this out tomorrow and trying something else, probably a narrow knitted band of some sort.

There's so much stuff going on in the rest of my life right now, some of it sad and scary, as I alluded to before, and some of it amazing and fantastic and exciting, but I can't really talk about any of it here yet. Argh! Suffice to say that Nick and I may very well be moving in the next few months, and there are a lot of big changes happening all at once. I'm lucky that I have any time for knitting at all!

Biking home from the office today, I noticed that the daffodils are finally blooming - spring is here at last! Enjoy the weekend. I know I will!



Blogger Marianne said...

"L-O-L-A- Lola"....where ARE the musical notes on the keyboard, there SHOULD be musical notes...
She's looking great and don't you just love it when they fit?
Whatever changes come about...just know we're here for you, whether it's cheering you on or shedding of tears. We're in your pocket.

8:40 a.m.  
Blogger Sarah said...

Hope that the neck has been behaving today and that you sorted out how to do the sleeves. I think she's going to be a great girl.

4:03 p.m.  

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